I'm a mother with a heavy heart....
wishing I could take all of the pain out of the
learning experiences my children are going through!
Please give me peace of mind...
knowing that you understand my children's needs
so much better than I do... because you created them.
You see their hearts and know what it will take
to give them a desire to be like you.
JESUS, Will you ask our FATHER, GOD to
deal with them in the most effective
(MERCIFUL) ways possible
to bring them to repentance and sanctification
so they may begin to serve you,
bring honor to YOUR NAME,
and experience the glorious abundant life
that you came to make available!
Lord, will you please give them:
> a judgment day awareness...
> a new sense of responsibility to YOU.. ,
> an awesome fear of GOD
> a deep desire to please & serve YOU
>total FREEDOM
from the "hang-ups" of the past
> deliverance from bondage to sinful habits
> an intense hunger for your WORD
> a great desire to know you intimately
> a new love for fellow believers
> an appreciation of Christian fellowship
>A dedication to righteousness & truth
>Godly wisdom & spiritual discernment
>release from any & all generational curses
and LORD please allow them to have amazing...
Supernatural, accelerated spiritual growth!
Lord, please help me have a complete trust in
Your LOVE for them AND me so I will not be
anxious or fretful about the future for any of us!
I want to WALK AND TALK in FAITH...
never fearing what they may go through or how You will
choose to deal with them, as you faithfully complete:
You have begun in their spiritual lives...
Please continue to guide and direct their footsteps daily:
to bring them to a future of fulfillment & Joy...
>a controlled tongue....
>a heart of compassion
>true love from above
>an attitude of humility
>a spirit of meekness
>Your Godly wisdom &
>discernment for truth!
>a gentle response
>a nurturing spirit
>freedom from anxiety
>and TOTAL confidence in You
>patience to let You work
>persistence in serving You
>faithfulness in doing GOOD
PLEASE give our family
>harmony and unity
let us be:
>ONE in Your love
>full of Your goodness
>seeking Your truth,
>hungry for Holiness,& righteousness
>displaying Joy in the Holy Ghost
Help me not to grow weary in well doing
or in striving to attain Your goals of
helping them to see You in my life daily....
but Lord, I'm also asking you to
give me VISIBLE answers to prayers
in their lives....and mine!
I know that Your return is near...
and I need to see the Goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living! I KNOW that
God is not willing that ANY should perish
but that ALL should come to repentance
...so please begin in my own family...
to draw laborers into your service
and FLOOD the harvest fields with the
dedicated souls who are willing to labor
for You to win the lost...
to the Kingdom of God!
I am confident that You are faithful
to complete the work that you have begun...
in the lives of every family member
and friend that I have in mind to be:
> Transformed
(by the power of Your Holy Spirit)....
>equipped for service
(with your mighty armor )
>enabled to overcome the enemy
(by the Blood of The Lamb,
the Sword of the Spirit,
- - the Word of God - -
& the witness of their testimony!)
Father, please keep me faithful
until the end of my life on this earth,
or until CHRIST'S soon return
to take me Home to be with Him.
Don't let anyone I care for...be
"LEFT BEHIND" when you claim your own
I don't think I could BEAR that!
& wearing cleansed robes of righteousness
worthy...to attend
"the wedding supper "of the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world.....
GOD, please prepare them
to look for His return!