Three people
kneeling at an altar
Praying long & much ~
CHRIST passed the first �
With a tender smile
To the second
He gave a light touch�~
He stopped & hugged The third one
As He listened to them pray---
I pondered over actions
That My Savior had that day~
so..... I asked HIM�
"WHY did YOU respond
TO EACH ONE IN that way??~
By only smiling at the first &
The second one you touched~
Yet only one soul got a HUG�?"
His soft reply was such~
An awesome revelation
"Child, I KNOW what they ALL need~
I met THEIR expectations
As I came to intercede~
The first is STRONG!
FAITH pleased me so�
I simply had to grin~
The next one needs Encouragement
So I reached out to him~
The third was truly hoping
They would feel my Strong support.~
So I reached down & Gave a HUG
to help them and exhort!~
If you had seen inside their hearts
you Wouldn't have to ask~
You need not fret..
Don't EVER forget
I'll handle EVERY task~
The way that's BEST
Just trust & rest assured
I understand~
Each need & I will intercede
For each.... as GOD has PLANNED!!~~