Good evening Holy Spirit
it has been a wondrous day
I've enjoyed our hours together.....
as we laughed, and sang, and played
When we raised our praise together
and we took time out to pray
I could sense Christ Jesus' presence
and could almost hear Him say:
"I'm so pleased
when you commune with Me
and praise me in this way....
so I came to be with you
in my own special, unique way!
I will wrap my arms around you
and surround you with my love
as I brush your face
with gentle wings
just like a precious dove
descending on your shoulder
from my heavenly throne above!"
then I heard an awesome statement
that made me fall to my knees...
"You are my beloved child, you see,
in whom I AM well pleased...
whenever you raise praise to Jesus,
you are praising ME!"
God inhabits the praises of HIS people!