Lord, keep us close together
even when we're far apart...
Please bond us Lord,
in Spirit
loving You.....with all our Hearts
Please help us to agree
that You know best
and You have planned
for us to have what's right for us
when we don't understand.
We know that You are able to
direct us by Your Hand
and show us where to go
for we're assured
in Your bright land
we'll love the mansions
that You've gone there to prepare
so we'll be true to You
dear Lord,
and constantly aware
of having You
right by our sides.....
until we join you there!
This world is beautiful we see
so heaven must be....
beyond compare!!!!!
We won't need gas
or airplanes
when we're longing to re-unite
We'll be together
either one of us invite
the other one to visit us
because we're out of sight!
Until that day....
we'll trust and obey
as we stay near to YOU
and ask that we
may bear to be
apart....the way we do
assured of love
from God above
and our love
for each other too!
We thank You for our health
and ask for happiness for each other
for we're Your Children,
Father God....
though we are a daughter...and mother.
Joy Bell Barber & Michele Denise Grizzard